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Alanis: How my daughter’s corpse was cremated to conceal evidence – British-born Nigerian father



Oladapo Ogundipe, a Nigerian businessman whose daughter Alanis died by suicide on May 29, 2023, in the United Kingdom, has revealed that her body was cremated before a forensic autopsy could determine the cause of her death.

Alanis, a 26-year-old accountant, allegedly took her life by jumping in front of a moving train in Manchester, UK, after being blackmailed by her boyfriend, Ryan Leggetts. According to Oladapo, Leggetts had broken into Alanis’ phone, copied her documents, and threatened to disclose her private information.

Oladapo claims that his family’s lawyer, acting on his wife Josephine’s instructions, prevented him from questioning Ryan during a coroner’s inquest this month. He also alleged that Josephine pressured him into cremating Alanis’ body to conceal evidence related to her death.

Oladapo explained, “When I reported Alanis’ boyfriend to the police on June 14, 2023, after learning that Josephine had not reported it, I expressed my concerns about Josephine’s actions. I later advised her on June 29, 2023, that any obstruction of the police investigation would be suspicious. Josephine was acting suspiciously by pressuring me to allow Alanis’ cremation before any criminal investigation and forensic autopsy could take place. She hurried to burn the body as soon as she received it.”

He added, “A basic autopsy on Alanis did not reveal anything suspicious. Why was there such a rush to cremate her body before a forensic postmortem could be conducted? Josephine’s reasoning was to say goodbye respectfully, but this seems questionable.”

Oladapo believes the coroner’s findings suggest a conspiracy. He insists that the emotional and psychological harm inflicted on Alanis contributed to her death. He has called on UK authorities to reopen the case and conduct a thorough investigation.

“I have accused Ryan of murder and manslaughter because he inflicted emotional and psychological injury on Alanis from August 1, 2022, when he allegedly infected her with a virus, until May 28, 2023, when he broke into her phone and stole sensitive information to blackmail her. This blackmail continued until May 29, 2023, the day Alanis died. This coordinated effort to harm her led to her tragic death. I urge the UK authorities to investigate these matters thoroughly to ensure justice for my daughter. If the police do not investigate, a private legal team will take up the case, as there is no time limit for prosecuting crimes such as murder and manslaughter.”

Attempts to contact Josephine were unsuccessful, as calls to her phone went unanswered and messages were not replied to at the time of this report.

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