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Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s prophecies for 2020



Now the ‘Year of Perfection’ is here Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is actualizing the prophecies with a prayer marathon. The plan is happening right here, right now.

The world waited with baited breathe as the “Theme of the Year” was announced. People were talking in tongues and bringing forth spontaneous acts of worship. The “Year of Perfection ” is “so simple you could touch it and it is special because of God’s plan.” We continue to pray for this moment.

Pastor Chris’s prophetic theme of 2020 is Perfection

“This year is the Year of Perfection,” Pastor Chris announced the theme of the year 2020 as the apex of the New Year’s Eve service. He lifted the nations up and implored “If you don’t believe in perfection, you will not have it.” Pastor Chris expounded on the idea of perfection to the millions of viewers. With his profound empathy, he knows people have been brought up to cherish their imperfections.

With understanding and insight Pastor Chris brought new prophecies into being with his words. Noting that “you were trained not to be perfect, yet we produce perfect devises and equipment. How could it happen if we don’t have perfection in us.” This message has been taken to the heart of the LoveWorld Nation.

God’s Word is truth. Truth is different from fact.

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is getting us all to look deep inside ourselves and find that core of perfection. The way Job is described as ” a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil “(Job 1:1) reveals that there is perfection in the eyes of God.

With beautiful insight, Pastor Chris shared a story about a time when ‘God told me he healed a blind man and the blind man said he wasn’t healed. l said look, but he could not see, suddenly he saw, he was so excited, ” He had to believe in his healing. Do you know that ” a year later the formerly blind man preached the gospel.”? So, we must believe in God’s Word because it is God’s truth.
Fourfold clarity about perfection from Pastor Chris

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is a wonderful leader and when he teaches us something it will be explained so clearly that it fills your heart, soul and entire being. Perfection is something that God expects from us so now can we start to achieve it with these four thoughts.

Alignment- There will be an alignment of our purposes to God’s purposes. It is going to be a special year and we will prepare for a harvest of glory. We will be doing amazing things this year.

Completeness- This can be further understood as a fullness. The Word will be imprinted into your system. We’ll be so full of the Word in ways we never thought possible. Furthermore, the knowledge of the word will fill your spirit so abundantly that it will produce astounding things.

Excellence-Excellence is not struggle. Pastor Chris reaffirmed that excellence is a product of your spirit so let your spirit produce excellence. When you say “I have an excellent mind” he urges us to have no negative thoughts. We will fill our minds full of peace, love, joy, kindness, grace and, love.

Fruition- This word which is also known as telesphori. All the ideas and dreams we have can come to fruition. That seed will bear fruit because it is going to come to perfection through God’s words.

Prayer all around us

Pastor Chris has given us an amazing opportunity to join him for prayers

We have clarity and can say with conviction ” I’m a perfect being of a perfect God.” There are now daily opportunities to achieve that perfection if pray fervently. To achieve that status where we have Godly thoughts we should pray daily.

There are chances to pray at any time of the day as this year there is a 24-hour ‘Pray-A-Thon’ so we create a prayer culture. If we want to “Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children.” (Ephesians 5:1 NIV) we should pray like Jesus and the Apostles did.

To take part in the ‘Pray-A-Thon’ login here.

“Year of Perfection” will be a harvest

Pastor Chris has said, “This year, you are going to do something special. This year, we have possessed it. We own it.” By March there will be greatness like never seen before. There were so many high points in 2019. 2020 is going to be a year that will exceed the last.

We shall take on the example of Noah and Abraham who walked before God in a state of perfection. With the message of the year given to us by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, we understand that it is a divine message.

The New Testament is being revealed to us by the Man of God, “Jesus said so, so it is possible, there is a nature that is given to us, you were a perfect human even though you couldn’t move like them.” It is a powerful message containing wonderful prophecies that with prayers and beliefs can come to glory.

This message of the ‘Year of Perfection’ shall be heard until it is actualized. It will be available for download from the Pastor Chris Digital Library from Sunday 12th January.

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