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Remain at home – NLC tells Nigerians



The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has advised Nigeria to remain in their homes until the states and federal governments lift the stay-at-home order.

NLC President, Ayuba Wabba, in an Easter message implored Nigerians to stay at home and remain safe as the country continues to combat the CIVID-19 pandemic.

Wabba said this year’s Easter celebration would be remembered for many years given the circumstances of its commemoration, saying for the first time in a long time, Easter festivities the world over held behind closed-doors owing to COVID-19.

“The unfortunate encroachment of COVID-19 in the way we work, play, live and worship, especially during this season of Easter inspires us that what began as doom and death on Easter Friday soon gave way to the brightness of resurrection and victory on Easter Sunday.

This is no mere coincidence. God is sending us a message of hope that after this night of weeping, there would be joy in our morning. Humanity had overcome more calamitous plagues, we will overcome COVID-19,” he said.

Wabba said while the world focuses on the victory ahead, nations must also reflect on the lessons that the sobriety enforced by the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting global lockdown offer.

“COVID-19 reminds us of a shared humanity. We are in this together. COVID-19 reminds us that what touches the nose would soon touch the eyes. Rich countries, poor climes, developed economies, struggling societies, workers, owners of capital, politicians, peasants, aristocrats, artisans, are all affected by this global pandemic that fears neither class nor status.

“This imposes on us a new sense of awakening to re-order our priorities. We must re-dedicate ourselves to issues that bother the majority. The focus must be efficient, resilient and inclusive health and education systems. Given the impact of COVID-19, we must prioritise jobs preservation, income recovery and the creation of new jobs. This is about our collective will to survive,” he said.

He said Nigerians were greatly indebted to the sacrifices by frontline workers in the health, transport, and services sector, both formal and informal, noting that their huge personal sacrifices are making a world of difference between mass deaths and the safety of majority.

He charged Nigerians to emulate their sacrifice of love and make their jobs a lot easier by following all directives of government geared towards containing the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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