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Fresh protest rocks Enugu



Students of Renaissance University, Enugu have taken to both social media and the streets to air their grievances over the death of one Obinna, a 400 level history student of the school.

According to multiple reports, the deceased died allegedly due to negligence of the School’s clinic.

“ Obinna was sick for three weeks and rushed to the school clinic but the medical personnel there kept giving him drip and injection. They didn’t run any test on him to find out what was wrong with him.

The school’s VC and dean, refused that he be taken to a hospital or be sent home. He was there for three weeks until his situation worsened. He was rushed to the hospital last night but died this morning.

It was discovered he had kidney problem. It’s sad that this school owned by a Nigerian senator allowed one of its own to die. We the students have taken to online and offline protests, to let the world know what has happened in our school,” a source said.[Swipe]

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