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‘A queen will always remain a queen’ – Kiddwaya shades laycon following drama at Dorathy’s party



Ex-Big Brother Naija housemate, Kiddwaya has subtly attacked fellow ex-housemate, Laycon, after being snubbed by Erica at Dorathy’s birthday party.

Recall that Erica and Laycon got off a wrong foot in the mid of the reality show, which led to the disqualification of the actress and a kiss goodbye to the N85 million grand prize.

Kiddwaya, who is currently amidst a breakup saga with Erica however in a recent tweet threw shades at the 2020 BBnaija winner, Laycon.

He wrote, “A Queen will always remain a queen and we must always protect our own.”

A Queen will always remain a queen and we must always protect our own.

— Kiddwaya (@RealKiddWaya)