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Bandits storm market, kill one, raze stalls in Zamfara (PHOTOS)



A market situated in Yar’ Tasha community, Dansadau district in Maru Local Government Area of Zamfara State was reportedly invaded on Thursday, March 18 by armed bandits.

It was learnt that the armed bandits razed market stalls, killed at least one person and injured many others during the invasion.

It was also learnt that the armed men stormed the market on motorcycles and opened fired on traders. The market holds every Thursday with livestock and grains as main commodities.

Speaking on the incident, a resident of the community, identified as Alhaji Umaru Yar’ Tasha disclsoed that the bandits stormed the market around 2 pm and began to fire shots at the traders mostly dealing in livestock and grains.

“The whole market and the adjacent community were thrown into pandemonium. Traders were running to different directions for safety. Many of the scampering traders were badly injured. I was at the frontage of my house when I began to hear gunshots, and within seconds, everyone was running for his or her dear life,” he narrated.

“I dashed into my house and locked the door. As I’m talking to you, I’m right inside my house and I can see a plume of smoke billowing from the burnt market stalls from here. Most of the traders, who had earlier abandoned their goods, might not return and some that are brave enough came back to count their losses. The assailants might have withdrawn. Just now, someone called and told me that only one corpse was seen. But the armed criminals have made away with several abandoned goods, especially livestock and clothing material. It is really a very terrible moment for us here,” the resident said.