The Otukpo community is bracing itself for a solemn and emotional day as they prepare to bid farewell to the late Divisional Police Officer (DPO), Superintendent...
In a somber and emotional ceremony, family, friends, and the entire Otukpo community gathered to bid a heartbreaking farewell to Emmanuella Ankyov, a young woman who...
In a somber and tearful ceremony, the late 23-year-old Lady Police Constable, Miss. Mbanengen Ankyôv, who fell victim to the recent Oturkpo robbery attack, was laid...
His Excellency, Rev. Fr. Hyacinth Alia has approved the appointment of Raymond Asemakaha as Managing Director, Benue Investment and Property Company Limited, BIPC Asemakaha is a...
Medical students from Benue State University have staged a protest and taken control of the government house to voice their grievances, which include the arbitrary withdrawal...
No fewer than three internally displaced persons (IDPs) were killed following an attack by suspected herdsmen on their camp in Agagbe, Gwer-West LGA of Benue State....
A tragic incident occurred in Korinya-City, Konshisha Local Government Area of Benue State, where a man identified as Bem Matthew allegedly stabbed his wife to death....
The senator representing Benue South Senatorial District, Patrick Aba Moro, has blamed the deadly bank robbery attack in Otukpo over the weekend on a lack of...
The Benue State House of Assembly has issued a 72-hour ultimatum to Governor Hyacinth Alia to appoint a Special Adviser on Security. This decision comes in...