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Challenges faced by widows and orphans in Kashmir



Kashmir is renowned for being a picturesque region that’s abundant in cultural heritage and is also home to a considerable number of widows and orphans. Through no fault of their own, Kashmir widows and orphans are faced with a myriad of challenges due to the geopolitical and historical context of the region. Unfortunately, upon the loss of their husbands, widows in developing countries also lose a lot of their rights. The same goes for children who have lost one or more parents, as they lose a primary caregiver who would be the one to provide them with all they need to survive. So, what challenges are exactly being faced by widows and orphans in Kashmir today?

Psychosocial Support

It goes without saying that the loss of a loved one causes intense emotional damage. What’s more, the social stigma that’s faced by widows and orphans won’t help the emotional struggle. Despite this, the number of psychosocial support systems is sparse, meaning widows and orphans aren’t given the support they need to cope with feelings of anxiety, trauma, or grief. In order to craft a safe space for widows and orphans, community-based support groups and counseling services would be immensely helpful. This is because they’d be provided with a space in which experiences can be shared, emotional burdens can be alleviated, and resilience can be built.

Healthcare Disparities

There are many aspects that lead to the healthcare disparities experienced by widows and orphans, including limited personal finances and a lack of healthcare funding from the country itself. For instance, the vast majority of widows and orphans in Kashmir won’t have the income available to them to seek healthcare, meaning any existing health conditions they’re suffering with only worsen. This not only takes a toll on their physical health but also their mental health as they struggle to live a bearable existence. As a result, initiatives to improve healthcare for vulnerable populations could be incredibly valuable.

Education Access

Sadly, another barrier that’s faced by orphans is access to education. From limited parental support to financial constraints, pursuing studies is incredibly difficult for orphans in Kashmir. A lack of education inevitably leads to disadvantages, making it difficult to break this cycle and improve future prospects. What’s more, school isn’t just about learning and gaining qualifications; it’s also where children develop their social skills. As a result, if orphans are unable to attend school, they often find themselves growing into isolated adults. This then hinders their ability to build relationships when they’re already coping with the loss of loved ones.

Economic Vulnerability

Widows and orphans are left without a breadwinner in the family, meaning they simply can’t afford to live. The social stigma around widows means that they struggle to find employment. What’s more, they’re seldom able to develop employable skills, as their role is to be a homemaker. Despite this, without a breadwinner, being a homemaker alone simply isn’t a liveable option. Widows and orphans have no choice but to be dependent on charitable organizations, and this isn’t a stable form of income that they can rely on comfortably. This is both physically and emotionally draining to widows and orphans alike.

Isolation and Social Stigma

As previously mentioned, there is a social stigma surrounding orphans and widows and this leaves them feeling isolated. For instance, widows are sometimes perceived to be burdens as they don’t have the ability to provide for their families, meaning they’re often excluded from key events. Isolation is one of the most debilitating feelings, yet it’s something that the vast majority of widows and orphans are subjected to.

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