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Christian Youths react as Muslim cleric calls Tinubu’s wife infidel, wants her killed



The Youth Wing of the Christian Association of Nigeria, YOWICAN, has strongly condemned a recent statement made by an unidentified Islamic preacher, captured in a viral video, suggesting the death of Oluremi Tinubu, the wife of President Tinubu, citing her faith as grounds for such action.

In the video, the preacher asserted, “Now, Tinubu, his wife is an infidel. As an infidel, she is a leader among the infidels.”

This statement, along with his call for violence against Mrs. Tinubu, was deemed baseless by YOWICAN, lacking any substantiated reference from the Quran.

Following its National Executive Council meeting in Abuja, YOWICAN issued a communiqué demanding, “The NEC is calling for the public prosecution of the Cleric and wishes to request that the said preacher should be restricted from preaching in Nigeria to serve as a deterrent to others.”

They emphasized the urgency of addressing such incendiary rhetoric to prevent exacerbating the country’s security challenges.

YOWICAN further urged for measures to prevent the preacher from continuing such inflammatory preaching, advocating for his restriction from public platforms in Nigeria as a deterrent to others.