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Covid-19: “Expect dead bodies in the street of African countries” – Melinda Gates



Melinda Gates, wife of billionaire Bill Gates has warned that if the world does not act fast enough, then there will be dead bodies all over the streets of Africa.
Mrs Gates raised this concerns while speaking to CNN, on the novel coronavirus and its effects in the third world countries.
She said her heart is in Africa, stating that she is worried that the continent might not be able to handle the devastating effect of virus.

“Its going to be horrible in the developing world.
“Part of the reasons you are seeing the case numbers still do not look very bad, is because they don’t have access to many tests.
“Look at what is happening in Ecuador, they are putting bodies out on the streets, you are going to see that in countries in Africa,” Mrs Gates noted.
Melinda Gates who is also co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation fears things will get worst for Africa once cases peak because of poor health care systems and lack of humanitarian supports.
According to Mrs Gates, her worst nightmare was when she “saw what China had to do to isolate enormous part of its population. My first thought was Africa. How in the world are they going to deal with this.”
“I have been in townships all over Africa and slums. When we talk in country physical distancing and hand-washing, if you live in slums who can’t physical distance, you have to go out and get your meals. You don’t have clean water to wash your hands,” she added.

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