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Easter: Why Nigeria is at breaking point, sinking deeper into abyss of disrepair – Bishop Kukah



The Catholic Bishop, Sokoto Diocese, Matthew Hassan Kukah, has observed that killings in 20 out of 36 states of the federation and other abnormalities are indications that Nigeria is at a breaking point.

He added that the country was “sinking deeper into abyss of despair.”

In his Easter message to Nigerians, the fiery cleric said, “Mr. President, we are at breaking point. The country is at such a dangerous and precarious level that it could snap anytime and anywhere. You can feel, see and touch the pulse. So, Mr. President, please step up, offer us solutions not excusesor complaints.

“Leadership is an exercise in problem solving. Cabal, mafia, cult or whatever, it is your call, Sir. Nigeria hangs dangerously on a precipice. You have to lead us to reclaim our country and to restore laughter and hope to our people.

“Today, our nation is sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss of despair, melancholy and depression. No matter how we wish to pretend as a nation and a people, the evidence that all is not well stares us in the face.

“The killings are even more numerous, widespread, senseless and violent than last year. Only last week, a Newspaper reported that in 20 out of the 36 States, hundreds of Nigerians are being held by kidnappers in different locations with families being left to their fate.”

Kukah alleged that statistics continue to reel out indices of human existence which show clearly that Nigerians are desperately sliding into both chaos and despondency.

“International human development weighing agencies are coming to the same conclusions about the suffocating and crippling levels of misery and destitution in Nigeria.

(Credit: DailyPost NG)