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Female Idoma names and their meanings



Iye ge woroche (name is golden, it can make or mar the bearer) so goes a popular saying in Idoma land.

Today, IDOMA VOICE takes a look at some feminine Idoma names and thier meanings.


Name                                                                                                     Meaning

Achieni Unexpected, surprise
Ada One’s first daughter
Akum Mine
Akoche Mine Own
Anyaole Women are home makers
Ebo Peace
Ene Mother
Ehik’owoicho God’s Gift
Ehi Gift
Ekowo God’s time
Elakeche Mystery of the world
Emiene Man proposes, God disposes
Enayi Mother of children
Enewa Mother of all
Enuwa Their mother
Edugwu Citadel of blessing
Enekole Mother of family
Enoche King’s mother
Enoba Mother in-law
Ihot Love
Ijewoda Power is source of power
Ochefyije Human is greater than money
Ochanya Queen
Onyoche King’s wife (Queen)
Odaleko There’s time for everything
Oganya  /Iganya Women leader
Ogodo Treasure
Ogwa Rainy reason (abundance)
Onyeche Who wants others to progress
Onyemowo Who knows my tomorrow
Onyechonchi Who knows tomorrow
Oofuni Not by might
Oya Friend
Ejenmodo Taken from my heart
Oyife A child is greater than money
Oyiwoda A Shild is source of pride
Onyi Daughter of hamarttan (Dry season)
Idenyi River goddess
Enyanwu Sun godess
Oka Royal bead
Ejalo They waited in vain for me to fail
Odachi Strange/omen
Aneh Favour, grace
Ema Born into wealt/peace
Aladi One born on Sunday (new beginning)
Enokela Day of reckoning
Onyejeche Who knows this world?
Owonya Saved by grace
Owoya God’s creation
Owole Destiny child
Onma Precious oil
Owoloyi God own the child
Ijeneb Fragrant flower
Oyumama Mother’s favourtie
Enema Mother’s child














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