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Gov. Ortom acknowledges support of Air Force to health, educational development



By Jimin Geoffrey

Governor Samuel Ortom has acknowledged the support of the Nigeria Air Force to health and educational development of the State through the provision of quality healthcare services and secondary education.

He spoke today at the Benue Peoples House Makurdi during a courtesy call on him by the Air Officer Commanding Tactical Air Command Makurdi, Air Vice Marshal Olusegun R. Philip.

The Governor stated that apart from supporting the state to ensure security for lives and property, the Air Force authorities are always handy to help fight cases of fire disasters with state of the art equipment.

He noted that the security agencies have been overstretched by the activities of insurgency, banditry and other criminal activities, stressing that lack of standard equipment had also posed a big challenge to the fight against insecurity.

Governor Ortom lamented that insurgency was almost pushing the country into a religious crisis, pointing out that people should be allowed to practice any religion of their choice without coercion.

The Governor stated that the state had played its role in the dispute between the host community and Air Force authorities, stressing that government was waiting for communication from the Chief of Air Staff before meeting with the host community for amicable resolution.

He pledged his administration’s continued support to security agencies in fight against insurgency, banditry and other criminal activities in the state.

Air Vice Marshal Olusegun Philip while pledging the readiness of the Air Force to the security of lives and property of Benue people and Nigerians in general said the security agency would always count on the support of government to deliver on its mandate.