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How to be eligible for In-Stream Ads and make money on Facebook



Monetizing content on Facebook through in-stream ads is an excellent way for creators to generate revenue. However, eligibility for this feature requires meeting certain criteria set by Facebook. This guide will walk you through the steps necessary to qualify for in-stream ads and maximize your earning potential.

1. Meet the Facebook Partner Monetization Policies

Before anything else, ensure that your content and page comply with Facebook’s Partner Monetization Policies. These policies cover a range of standards, including community guidelines, copyright compliance, and content integrity. Your page should consistently adhere to these guidelines to remain eligible.

2. Build a Strong and Engaged Following

To qualify for in-stream ads, your Facebook page must have at least 10,000 followers. Building a loyal and engaged audience is crucial. Here are some tips:

  • Post High-Quality Content Regularly: Consistent posting keeps your audience engaged.
  • Interact with Your Followers: Respond to comments, engage in discussions, and create a community.
  • Leverage Cross-Promotion: Use other social media platforms to drive traffic to your Facebook page.

3. Achieve the Required Video Views

Facebook requires that you have at least 600,000 total minutes viewed on your videos in the last 60 days. This includes live videos, on-demand videos, and previously monetized content. Here’s how to boost your views:

  • Create Longer Videos: Longer videos tend to accumulate more minutes watched.
  • Engage Your Audience Early: Hook your viewers within the first few seconds to keep them watching.
  • Promote Your Videos: Share your videos on other platforms and encourage your audience to share them.

4. Ensure You Have At Least 5 Active Videos

Your page should have at least five active videos to be eligible. These can include on-demand videos or live streams. Ensure your content is diverse and relevant to your audience.

5. Monetize Content Suitable for Ads

Facebook places ads on videos that meet their advertiser-friendly content guidelines. Ensure that your content is suitable for a broad audience and does not contain any controversial or restricted topics.

6. Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Security is vital when handling monetization. Facebook requires you to enable two-factor authentication on your account. This adds an extra layer of protection, ensuring that your revenue streams are secure.

7. Apply for Monetization

Once you’ve met all the eligibility requirements, you can apply for monetization through Facebook’s Creator Studio. Navigate to the “Monetization” section, review the terms, and submit your application.

8. Monitor Your Performance

After becoming eligible, continuously monitor your performance through Creator Studio. Keep an eye on your earnings, video metrics, and adherence to monetization policies. Regularly updating and refining your content strategy can help maintain your eligibility and maximize revenue.


Becoming eligible for in-stream ads on Facebook requires dedication and strategic content creation. By meeting the criteria outlined above, you can unlock a lucrative revenue stream and grow your presence on the platform. Stay consistent, create quality content, and engage with your audience to ensure long-term success in Facebook monetization.

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