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Ministerial Nominee: Bosun Tijani faces backlash for ‘bloody expensive’ Nigeria tweets



Bosun Tijani, the CEO and co-founder of CcHub, is facing backlash for tweets posted four years ago in which he referred to Nigeria as a ‘bloody expensive tag.’ In the tweets, he also criticized President Tinubu.

Tijani’s past remarks have resurfaced, sparking controversy and drawing attention to his nomination.

One user that goes by Abdul_A_Bello in response to Tijani’s nomination tweeted, “I personally collated screenshots of selected Bosun Tijani toxic posts about Nigeria, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu , the former President Buhari and many others. Sent it to my Senator representing my constituency so he can throw it to the floor of the House during Bosun’s ministerial screening. @bosuntijani called ASO ROCK “AssholeRock” and described Nigeria as a wrong country to represent…Such persons are not patriotic enough to serve in such position of authority. I expect the @NGRSenate to reject this nomination without further delay.”

@adeosunm tweeted, “Consistency in character is highly regarded virtue that reflects a person’s commitment to principles and values. Consistency involves acting in a steady, predictable manner & being honestly upright. It leads to trust, respect & reputation in relationships. Bosun Tijani lacks it!”