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N3.7trn scandal: Senate moves to arrest Ningi



Senator Abdul Ningi has alleged that the Senate is taking steps to arrest him following his accusations of budget padding in the 2024 appropriation budget amounting to N3.7 trillion.

In an interview on Arise Television, Ningi revealed the Senate’s purported efforts to silence him. This comes after he was suspended for three months by the Senate for asserting that projects worth N3.7 trillion in the 2024 budget were unaccounted for.

Ningi emphasized the importance of transparency, stating that he has credible evidence to support his claims. He asserted, “Nobody has talked to me about evidence. Nobody has suggested even listening to me.”

Furthermore, Ningi expressed his determination to address the issue, asserting that he had “opened this can of worms” and that neither he nor the Senate would be able to control the consequences.

The situation underscores the ongoing tension within the Senate and the challenges of accountability in budgetary processes.