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#NotTooYoungToRun: BBLLI congratulates Nigerian youths over passage of bill



A pro-democracy and good governance organization, the Beyond Boundaries Legacy Leadership Initiative, BBLLI, has hailed the doggedness of Nigerian Youths in the build up to the passage of the Not Too Young to Run Bill.

In a statement jointly signed by the Executive Director of the organization, Comrade Omaga Daniel and the Public Relations Officer, Mpakaboari Numbere, the organization described the passage of the bill as a significant moment in Nigeria’s history, noting that a lot depends on the Youths in terms of agitating for an egalitarian and better leadership at all levels of governance, hence the need for constant engagement of every Nigerian Youth as far as formulation and implementation of government policies are concerned.

They called on Nigerian youths not to relax but to take advantage of the bill and avail themselves in taking responsibility to lead at all levels, and to make Nigeria great.

The organization stressed that with the passage of the bill, the stage is now set for the youths of this nation to prove that they are not just leaders of tomorrow but partners of today. They called on the government to double her effort towards the security of lives and properties of Nigerians irrespective of ethnic, religious or social affiliation.

“We are urging Nigerian Youths to rally among themselves in solidarity, and with one voice towards projecting individuals that will stand for the Nigerian Dream come 2019 general elections” the statement reads. They also thanked President Buhari for the speedy accent to the bill.

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