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Osimhen deletes Napoli-related posts from Instagram



Nigerian striker Victor Osimhen has deleted all Napoli-related content from his Instagram profile, signaling discontent with the Italian club.

This comes in the wake of a controversial incident involving the club, where they initially posted and then promptly deleted a TikTok video that appeared to “mock” Osimhen for missing a critical penalty.

Recall that Osimhen and his representatives are considering legal action against Napoli in light of the TikTok video incident. Roberto Calenda, the player’s agent, released a statement on Tuesday condemning the video and expressing the player’s outrage.

Calenda’s statement highlighted the gravity of the situation, deeming the video and its subsequent deletion as unacceptable. He also shed light on the negative impact it had on Osimhen, given the ongoing media scrutiny and misinformation surrounding him. Calenda affirmed their intent to explore legal avenues and take necessary steps to safeguard Victor’s interests.