Several young women who were recently rescued from a brothel have come forward with disturbing allegations, claiming that they were forced to engage in intimate encounters...
Oluchukwu Nwosu, a grandmother hailing from Nkwelle in the Oyi Local Government Area of Anambra State, is currently in police custody on suspicion of selling her...
Chidozie Nwangwu, the renowned native doctor hailing from Anambra State, has bravely shared the details of his recent kidnapping, which began last Sunday and finally ended...
Governor Charles Soludo of Anambra State, has threatened to remove all billboards in the state belonging to politicians if they fail to pay tax on them....
The presidential candidate of the Labour Party, Peter Obi has reacted to the recent attack against him by the incumbent Governor of Anambra State, Charles Soludo....
Apostle Johnson Suleman of Omega Fire Ministries, Auchi, Edo State, on Thursday, sent a clear message to Governor Charles Soludo of Anambra State, urging him to...
Former Enugu Rangers, Julius Berger, and Nigeria International, Temple Chukwuka Moneke, is dead. Moneke is a football coach turned pastor. Until his death, he was the...
Deeper Life Bible Church, Anambra State, has expelled a 60-year-old man identified as Boniface Onyekwere, who claimed to be a pastor of the church, over an...