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Terrorists strike Katsina community, claims five lives



Terrorists launched an attack in Danmusa Local Government Area of Katsina State on Sunday night, resulting in the tragic death of five individuals and leaving at least twelve others wounded.

During the assault, five residents were also kidnapped by the assailants. According to some residents who chose to remain anonymous, the terrorists descended on the town in a significant number and unleashed a hail of gunfire.

The residents noted that the attackers initially approached from the outskirts due to the presence of security personnel and local vigilantes in the town. However, they gradually infiltrated the town, intensifying their assault.

One resident revealed, “The casualties would have been higher if not for the efforts of the security operatives and the vigilante group.”

The situation appeared to have stabilized by Monday morning, with security personnel and vigilantes patrolling the area.

Abubakar Aliyu, the spokesperson for the state police command, confirmed the incident, stating, “The incident occurred at 10 p.m. We have already initiated an investigation, and our personnel are actively addressing the situation.”