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The sorry story of Naka Town in Benue where people dig ‘pits’ to fetch drinking water



Following the widespread social media outcries by residents of Naka town in Benue State, over the scarcity of water that has hit the town since the beginning of the dry season, IDOMA VOICE correspondent, Sunny Green Itodo, embarked on a general assessment of the situation that has since deteriorated into a statewide concern.

Naka, is the headquarters of Gwer West Local Government Area of Benue, the hometown of the wife of Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom, Mrs. Eunice Ortom.

The collapsed Naka Greater Water Work is the only source of water in Naka and its environs. But, since it dried up, the government at levels have failed to revamp it or provide another alternative source of water to Naka and its environs.

Recently, the Benue State First lady, Mrs. Eunice Ortom, who hailed from the area was called out from lavishing millions on car gifts to her loyalists while her hometown stayed thirsted up from lack of portable drinking water.

Women and children in the area are speeding back to the stone age as they have to dig shallow wells as seen in the pictures below to get water.

Naka may not be the only community in Benue State affected by the scarcity of water, but one thing is alarming in its case; The fear of pandemic.

Experts fear that a possible cholera outbreak is imminent in Naka given the fact that most residents are resolving to unhealthy water sources.

Some of the residents who spoke via their social media channels blamed politicians for their woos. While others solicited for government supports to end the nightmarish water situation in Naka.

Still following the development.. Stay logged onto IDOMA VOICE.

See photos below;