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Tonto Dikeh not our ambassador’ – Christian commission denies appointment



The Nigeria Christian Pilgrim Commission (NCPC) has dismissed a claim by Tonto Dikeh that it appointed her as its ambassador.

The 35 year old actress had taken to her social media page on Friday to declare that she had been appointed as the commission’s ambassador for peace building.

“I wish to announce my position as the new Ambassador of the Commission for Peace Building. Need your prayers as we embark on Peace building across the six (6) geopolitical Zones of the Nation because peace is indispensable,” she had claimed.

But in a swift rebuttal, Yakubu Pam, executive secretary of the NCPC, in a statement, said he never appointed the movie star as an ambassador as claimed.

He noted that while Dikeh paid a courtesy visit to his office in Abuja on Thursday and shared her willingness to work with the commission, there was nothing like the said appointment.

“I wish to state in categorical terms that King @tontolet paid an official courtesy visit to me as the Executive Secretary of the Nigeria Christian Pilgrim Commission on 25th February, 2021 at the corporate headquarters of the commission in Abuja,” the statement read.

“As the founder of @officalthetontodikehfoundation she expressed her willingness and interest in partnering with the Commission in the area of peace building. She equally cashed in on the visit to commend me the NCPC boss for my positive and relentless peace initiatives across the country.

“However, I am suddenly inundated with claims from King Tonto Dikeh herself that she has been officially appointed as Ambassador of peace by this great commission. This claim has gone virile in the media.

“The commission frowns at this claim which is a clear misrepresentation of what transpired. The fact remains that I the executive secretary of NCPC never appointed King Tonto Dikeh as an ambassador of peace for NCPC and this was not part of her visit therefore this claim by her is spurious, unfounded and should be discarded and seen by all Nigerians as a figment of her imagination.

“Nevertheless, we appreciate her desire to partner with us in our peace building initiatives and in the area of pilgrimage sponsorship to the Holy Land.”