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What you need to know about China police station in Nigeria



It is no longer news that the Chinese government has set up “overseas police stations’ ‘ all over the world to keep track of its citizens.

The Chinese Communist Party calls them, “110 Overseas Police Service Centres” to tackle all kinds of illegal and criminal activities involving Chinese in the diaspora.

These stations are run in various parts of Africa, Europe, and America, according to a report by Safeguard Defenders.

In Nigeria, the Fuzhou-Run overseas police “Service Station” is reported to be located in Benin City, Edo State.

According to Safeguard Defenders, “These operations eschew official bilateral police and judicial cooperation and violate the international rule of law, and may violate the territorial integrity of third countries involved in setting up a parallel policing mechanism using illegal methods.”

Meawhile, the Nigerian government hasn’t reacted to the report yet.

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