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2023 WWC: Super Falcons’ Alozie reveals her favorite player



Super Falcons defender Michelle Alozie has revealed that her favorite football player is former Italian striker Mario Balotelli. The young defender shared that she draws inspiration from Balotelli, especially regarding her choice of wearing different colored boots.

In an interview with NFF TV, Alozie expressed her admiration for Balotelli, saying, “He is my favorite player. I watched him a lot when I was growing up; he did well in the 2014 World Cup [in Brazil].”

Balotelli, known for his talent and occasional controversies, has left a lasting impact on the young Nigerian defender. The Italian striker gained notoriety with his “Why Always Me?” shirt, which he displayed in response to media criticism after Manchester City’s memorable 6-1 victory over Manchester United at Old Trafford in 2011.

Despite Balotelli’s reputation as a “bad boy,” Alozie still looks up to him as an influential figure in football.

In the same interview, Alozie spoke about the upcoming match against England’s Lionesses, acknowledging the tough challenge ahead. She stated, “It’s going to be a hard game; we have played hard games, starting with Canada. So we expect nothing less.”

The encounter with England marks a crucial moment for the Super Falcons, as it is a knockout round in the 2023 Women’s World Cup.