How to know if a man is crushing on you – For women only

Knowing if a man is crushing on you can be challenging, as everyone expresses their feelings differently. However, some common signs may indicate that he has feelings for you:
Frequent Communication: He initiates contact often, whether through calls, texts, or social media messages.
Body Language: He maintains eye contact, smiles often, and leans towards you when you’re talking.
Compliments: He compliments you on your appearance, personality, or achievements.
Interests in Your Life: He shows genuine interest in your hobbies, activities, and opinions.
Jealousy: He may show signs of jealousy when you talk about other men or spend time with them.
Acts Protective: He tries to protect or help you when you’re in need.
Finds Reasons to Be Near You: He looks for opportunities to be close to you or spend time together.
Remembering Details: He remembers things you’ve mentioned in previous conversations.
Teasing and Flirting: He playfully teases and flirts with you.
Body Language: He mirrors your body language and expressions, subconsciously trying to connect with you.
Wants to Impress: He tries to impress you with his accomplishments or skills.
Introduces You to Others: He introduces you to his friends and family, indicating he wants you to be a part of his life.