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US president-elect, Joe Biden sets to appoint 39-year old Nigerian, Adeyemo as deputy treasury secretary



Reports indicate that US President-Elect, Joe Biden, is set to appoint Nigerian-born attorney, Adewale Adeyemo, as the Deputy Treasury Secretary.

Adeyemo, 39, who was a former Senior International Economic adviser during the Obama administration, would serve former Federal Reserves Chairperson, Janet Yellen, who Biden plans to appoint to lead the Treasury Department of the US.

Before he was appointed by former President Obama, Adeyemo worked as an editor at the Hamilton Project. He then served as Senior Advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff to Jack Lew in the United States Department of Treasury.

He also served as the chief negotiator for the Trans-Pacific Partnership and was the first chief of staff of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under Elizabeth Warren.

In 2015 he served as Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economics and was also the Deputy Director of the National Economic Council.

Adeyemo was born in Nigeria but raised in California where he obtained a bachelor’s degree before proceeding to Yale Law School for his legal education.

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