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Six businesses that can earn you up to N20,000 daily this 2022



You will agree that your salary is never enough to get you through the month. You plan your budget well and then something unplanned comes up and you have to spend out of your planned budget and this shrinks your salary even further.

We see how the cost of goods and services are taking a hike every day. This is a time to consider running a business. We all know that the Nigerian business climate can be challenging but there are a handful of businesses that can get you what you earn in a month on a daily basis.

Although your returns will largely depend on the capital you are willing to invest, I will share some great business ideas that you can start with immediately and have stable returns of 10k daily.

Hairdressing – This business involves a lot of capital, but you don’t have to start out this way! You can begin with home service for working women. I know a lot of women that will not want to go through the stress of going to a salon, this can be your target market. You majorly need to learn to make the hair and you can learn this on YouTube and a hair mannequin. Making a person’s hair should cost about N5,000 per person, you can make revenue of N10,000 to N20, 000 per day if you make hair for four persons in a day.

Graphic designing – With a laptop and your graphic design software, you can make a lot more income! It costs about N5,000 to make a flier, four of that in a day is already N20, 000. Look at the potential income you could make. Great stuff is that you can use easy design software like Canva!

Fashion designing – Although this skill takes about six months – a year to perfect, the rewards and profits from this business are endless! The charge to learn ranges from N20,000 to N50,000 depending on your location. You can also learn on YouTube. To make a dress could cost from N5,000 -N10,000, so when you make two dresses, you already have N20, 000 in a day!

Food business – Everybody will eat at some point, so this business will definitely bring in the big bucks! Make a little staple food and begin for starters and then grow from here. The possibilities are endless! You will need about N20,000 to start a roadside food business. A plate of food can cost from N500 – N1,000, if you sell food to 20 people at N500 naira per plate, that’s already N10,000! Just make sure your business is positioned in very good places like markets and office areas.

Soap and diffuser making – There are a lot of free recipes to learn on YouTube. Find one of them and get on with production. You can begin this business with N10,000 – N15,000, bulk produce and sell to target companies and individuals. You can sell at N5,000 – N10,000 for one, depending on the market you are selling to.

Uber/Bolt driver – This business sure brings in major income! Good thing is you don’t have to own your own car to start this business, you will need to know how to drive and have a driver’s licence. Drivers can earn from very high-profit margins. A ride can fetch up to N1,500, and with 10 rides in a day, you already have N10,000.



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