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BREAKING: Ugbokolo boils again as gunmen murder top politician



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I bring to the public once again the latest on the continuous mindless killing of Innocent men, women, children and little infants in Ugbokolo which has persisted for the past 5 months unabated.

Last Saturday 12th May, 2017, a man popularly known as Radical was murdered in cold blood in Ai-Abbah area of Ugbokolo.
The assassins came to his house in the night and ordered him to take them to the house of the Treasurer if his meeting and they marched him through the main road to the treasurer’s house in Ichakwu and after the Treasurer gave them the whole money in his house which was about N30,000, the killers shot Mr. Radical dead right there and left.

In the early hours of today, 16th May 2017, the killer group visited the house of one Mr. Ambrose Abah in Ai-Akor area of Ugbokolo and killed him right there before his family members. Mr. Ambrose Abah is a politician and a strong supporter of Comrade Abbah Moro.

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