As the weekend unfolds, the exchange rate in the Naira to Dollar black market remains relatively stable this Saturday afternoon. The current rates indicate that one...
The CBN official Naira to Foreign Exchange rates today, 4th November 2023 can be accessed Date Currency Buying(NGN) Central(NGN) Selling(NGN) 11/3/2023 US DOLLAR 782.674 783.174 783.674...
In the latest update on the foreign exchange market, the Euro (EUR) to Nigerian Naira (NGN) exchange rates have been revised. The new exchange rates for...
Pounds to Naira rate at the official and black market exchange rate Today, Saturday 4th November 2023. Buy (GBP to NGN): 1 GBP = 1420 NGN Sell...
The exchange rate for the Canadian Dollar (CAD) to the Nigerian Naira (NGN) remains relatively stable in the current economic climate. Financial experts and analysts have...
Black market dollar to naira Exchange Rate Today 4th November 2023 can be accessed below. This report is according to information gathered from black market FX...
In a noteworthy development, the exchange rate for the US Dollar has experienced a significant decline against the Nigerian Naira at the black market. The current...
Black market dollar to naira Exchange Rate Today 3rd November 2023 can be accessed below. This report is according to information gathered from black market FX...
In the latest update on the foreign exchange market, the Euro (EUR) to Nigerian Naira (NGN) exchange rates have been revised. The new exchange rates for...