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Details of what happened at APC reconciliation meeting in Otukpo emerge



By Xavier Arnold Obande

At the APC Caucus Meeting held in Double K Resort, Otukpo, yesterday (09/12/2018), the Hon. Minister for Agriculture/Rural Development, Chief Audu Ogbe who convened the meeting, and other stakeholders of the party stressed the need for reconciliation of aggrieved Aspirations with Candidates and other party members and promotion of peace and unity in the party for a stronger and better APC in Zone C, Benue, and Nigeria at large in order for victory to be achieved at all levels, come 2019.

Chief Ogbe who in his opening remarks, expressed dissatisfaction with certain things that had happened in the party, also used the opportunity to urge everyone to come together as one family and work tirelessly for the re-election of President Muhammadu Buhari, and the victory of APC at all levels in 2019.

He (Ogbe) promised to Attract more Federal projects to Zone C for the development of the Zone, adding that he would also create job opportunities for the youths/help the ones with skills in terms of skill acquisitions, in order to discourage them from using illegitimate means to make money in order to meet their needs.

APC Senatorial Candidate for Benue South Senatorial Zone, Chief Steve Lawani stated that so many people had being defecting and are still defecting from other political parties to APC, adding that he was confident that victory is certain for APC in 2019.

The Deputy Governorship Candidate, Sam Odeh pledged to be the kind of man the people would want him to be with the ticket, adding that he would make Zone agenda his priorities if he and his principal (Jime) were voted in as Governor and Deputy Governor of Benue State come 2019.

APC National Ex-offio member, Hon. Nelson Alapa who also aspired for the Deputy Governorship position congratulated Dr. Ode for emerging as Jime’s running mate. Alapa said he was happy with what Dr. Ode said his his speech which he (Alapa) tagged, “Oath of Allegiance”, hence, he was no longer going to said the things he had wanted to said before Ode spoke.

Benue State House of Member representing Oju State Constituency/APC House of Reps Candidate for Oju Federal Constituency, Hon. Nick Ewero, appealed to the leadership of the party to avail party members list of House of Representatives/Assembly Candidates various LGs and Federal Constituencies where there were contentions, for people to know the actual Candidates for these various offices are.

Also speaking were, Chief Barr. John A. A. Ochoga, Prof. John Enyi, General Sani Ehoda, Hon. Austin Okwoche, Hon. OnmaOgenyi, and many others who said they were all said that APC would deliver in Zone C.