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Dr. Paul Enenche’s powerful message at Shiloh 2020 (Watch)




Dr. Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre, DIGC, was one of the guest speakers during the Wednesday morning’s Hour of Visitation in the ongoing Shiloh 2020 Convention of the Living Faith Church with the theme: TURNAROUND ENCOUNTERS and monitored by IDOMA VOICE.

Speaking on the topic, Engaging the Word for Turnaround Encounters,” the fiery cleric noted that it is the turnaround power of the word and the various actions of the word that culminate in a turnaround.

He noted that the word of God is a major covenant platform for a supernatural turnaround. For two reasons:

  1. The word brings not just not just insight but impact that guarantees turnaround.
  2. The word brings not just revelation but energization to guaranteeing a turn around.

Anchor scriptures: Luke 5: 1-7, John 2:5, Daniel 2:2, Jeremiah 29:10

The beginning of the turnaround for the captivity of Israel in Babylon happened when Daniel understood by books. Daniel saw in the book and engaged the altar of prayer and the turnaround began. Captivity will continue until insight and light is accessed.


  1. Words Bring Correction: 2 Tim 3:16, Ex 3:3

It causes you to make a turn and change your action.

It takes a turn aside to experience to turnaround. It takes a turn aside to experience a turnaround.

  1. The Word Brings Direction: Ps 119:105

The light of direction guarantees effortless turnaround.

Every time you know what to do you leave where you are. Direction causes stagnation.

  1. The Word Restoration: Luke 15:8
  2. The word bring illumination: John 1:1

The light of the word disarms the force of the night.

  1. The Word Bring Distinction: Isaiah 60:1, Mat 16:13-17

When light comes people shine. To be lifted is to be outstanding in the world

No force of hell can keep a lighted man in obscurity.

  1. The Word Brings Elevation: Gal 2:2

Revelation is a permanent doorway to elevation.

To be lighted is to be lifted and shifted higher in life.

Movement from the background to forefront, from the pit to the top happens at the frequency of light.

  1. The Word Bring Revolution Luke 5:6

A revolution is a drastic change of story.

  1. The Word Brings Purification: Ps 119:9, John 15: 3

The word brings sanctification and purification that can guarantee a change.

  1. The Word Brings Impaction of Spiritual Firepower: John 6:63, Luke 4:32, Jer. 20:9

When the word comes, power comes.

  1. The Word Brings Liberation: Ps 105:17-19, John 17:17

It is not possible for the chain to be in place when the word has arrived. When the word comes, your word changes, when the word comes, your chain breaks.


  1. Posses meekness
  2. Walk in uprightness
  3. Function in excitement
  4. Pray for light and insight
  5. Make enquiry as you study
  6. Posses the attitude of expectancy. Have a magnetic expectancy.
  7. Document what you see. (When you pen the light, you pull more light.)
  8. Be desperate. Posses desperation. Desperation activates revelation
  9. Engage the spirit. The spirit of God networks scriptures. Praying aggressively in tongue as you study
  10. Engage the blood mystery.
  11. Align with the spirit of anointed teachers.

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