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How Bishop David Oyedepo welcomed his son, Pastor David Oyedepo Jnr to the altar at Shiloh 2020



“My beloved son, one of the fruits of our dedication to God”

No life can be any more fruitful than he is dedicated (John 12:24). Christianity without dedication is an adventure in frustration but the tiniest seed when it is sown, it grows up (Mark 4:32).

The tiniest dedicated believer has a greater future than the oldest, experienced believer who is an executive Christian.

My life was like that tiny seed at 22. I said, “I turn my back on everything, they are no longer mine but Yours”: ‘Sailing under sealed orders.’ I sold out to Jesus, consciously so, deliberately so. There was nothing to that life when I said, “all that I have”; I had nothing but all that I will ever have, all for you Jesus.

I made that choice September 12 1976, I’m still living the reality of that choice till now.

– There are irreversible blessings: they are the things you are returning with from Shiloh (Numbers 23:20)

Prayer: Make or renew your choice to be dedicated to God and to the cause of His Kingdom.

You can’t be sold out to God and not stand out in life.

Your choice is ratified by the Blood of the Lamb.

The renewal of your choice is ratified by the Blood of the Lamb.

Your stand today will keep speaking all the days of your life.

You will never get weary serving the Lord.

You will never faint serving the Lord in the name of Jesus.

May the blessings of dedication keep speaking in your life: night and day and all the days of your life.

Join me and welcome one of the fruits of our dedication to God, my beloved son, the Resident Pastor of Faith Tabernacle as he takes the microphone.

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