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How to fill your SIWES logbook properly for Industrial Training



Creating a logbook entry for a student’s SIWES (Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme) experience will depend on the specific guidelines and requirements of the program, the industry the student is placed in, and the tasks the student has completed. However, I can provide you with a generic format for a logbook entry to give you an idea of how to structure it. Make sure to adapt this to your specific needs and guidelines.

LogBook Entry: [Date]

Student’s Name: [Your Name] Matriculation Number: [Your Matriculation Number] Course of Study: [Your Course of Study] Level: [Your Academic Level]

Placement Company: [Name of the Company/Institution] Supervisor: [Name of your Supervisor/Contact person]

Activities Undertaken:

  1. Date: [Date] Task/Activity: [Description of the task/activity] Skills Gained: [List any skills or knowledge gained from the activity]

  2. Date: [Date] Task/Activity: [Description of the task/activity] Skills Gained: [List any skills or knowledge gained from the activity]

Challenges Faced:

  1. Challenge: [Describe a challenge you encountered during the week] How it was addressed: [Explain how you attempted to address the challenge]

  2. Challenge: [Describe another challenge you encountered during the week] How it was addressed: [Explain how you attempted to address the challenge]

Learnings and Insights:

  1. [Write about what you learned during the week, new insights gained, or any experiences that were particularly significant.]

Goals for Next Week:

  1. [List your goals for the upcoming week in terms of tasks you hope to accomplish or skills you aim to develop.]

Supervisor’s Feedback:

[Include any feedback or comments provided by your supervisor during the week.]

Remember to follow any specific guidelines provided by your institution or the SIWES program. Always document your activities accurately and professionally.