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How to switch from student visa to a work visa in Canada



Switching from a student visa to a work visa in Canada is possible under certain conditions. Here’s a general outline of the process:

  1. Determine Eligibility: Before applying for a work visa, make sure you meet the eligibility criteria. Generally, you must have completed a program of study at a designated learning institution in Canada and obtained a valid study permit. Also, ensure you meet the specific requirements of the work visa you wish to apply for.

  2. Find a Job Offer: Look for a job offer from a Canadian employer who is willing to sponsor you for a work visa. The employer may need to obtain a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) to prove that hiring a foreign worker will not negatively affect the Canadian job market.

  3. Choose the Right Work Visa: Canada offers different work visa options, such as the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP), which allows recent graduates to work in Canada after completing their studies. Alternatively, you may apply for a work visa under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) or the International Mobility Program (IMP), depending on your situation.

  4. Apply for the Work Visa: Submit your work visa application online or through a visa application center, depending on your country of residence. You will need to provide documents such as a job offer letter, LMIA (if required), proof of completion of your study program, and other supporting documents.

  5. Pay Application Fees: Pay the required application fees, which can vary based on the type of work visa and your nationality.

  6. Wait for Processing: The processing time for work visas can vary, so it’s essential to apply well in advance and monitor the status of your application.

  7. Obtain the Work Permit: If your work visa application is approved, you will receive a work permit that allows you to work in Canada for a specified period.

  8. Begin Working in Canada: Once you have your work permit, you can start working in Canada as per the conditions mentioned on your permit.