Emmanuel Uche Best, a young man who recently embarked on his professional journey, met a tragic end during a harrowing bank robbery incident that unfolded in...
In the aftermath of the tragic bank robbery in Otukpo on Friday, October 20, 2023, Senator Patrick Abba Moro, representing Benue South Senatorial District, has expressed...
George Uloko, a former lawmaker representing Asa Ward in Otukpo, met an untimely demise during a brazen bank robbery that unfolded on Friday, October 20. Little...
In the wake of the tragic and distressing attack on the Otukpo rubber plantation that occurred last Friday, heartfelt tributes are pouring in for the courageous...
In a heart-wrenching incident, a young police officer named Emmanuella Ankyov lost her life during a distressing attack on the Otukpo rubber plantation that transpired on...
This brazen attack tragically resulted in the loss of seven lives, among them three valiant police officers who were defending the premises.
Some details of the October 20 Otukpo bank robbery that left about 15 persons dead. According to a reliable source, the robbers attacked four banks, Access...
Multiple residents of Otukpo, Benue State, are reported to have been killed in an attack carried out by suspected armed robbers. The incident occurred when the...
Troops of the Exercise Enduring Peace III, comprising the 72nd battalion and soldiers of the 401 Brigade, in collaboration with volunteer members of the community, successfully...