A gas explosion in southern Italy claimed the lives of four family members, including two young children, after their home partially collapsed. The incident took place...
Students and staff of the Federal University Gusau in Zamfara State, who bandits abducted, have successfully regained their freedom. According to Naija News, these individuals were...
A hippopotamus has tragically killed Malam Usman Maigadi, a guard at the Orchard Farm owned by the Emir of Yauri, Dr. Muhammad Zayyanu-Abdullahi. According to the...
South Carolina has executed its first inmate in 13 years, administering a lethal injection to 46-year-old Freddie Owens, who was convicted of murder in 1999. Owens...
One Nwachukwu Ikechukwu has been confirmed dead, and his wife, Oyin Falodun, is hospitalized after inhaling fumes from their generator in their home in the Shogoye...
One person has died and seven others are missing, officials said, after “unprecedented” rains caused floods and landslides in the coastal quake-hit region of Ishikawa in...
The Ogun State Police Command on Saturday confirmed the death of one Nwachukwu Ikechukwu, after inhaling generator fumes at their residence at the Shogoye area of...
The Katsina State Police Command has arrested 15 suspects in connection with various crimes across the state. In a statement issued on Friday, the command’s spokesperson,...
A video has surfaced online showing a soldier wielding a machine gun and confronting members of The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries. In the now-viral clip,...