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Mock not Akume



BY Adakole Elijah

Though the headline of this article was coined from a book – WEEP NOT CHILD by Ngugi W, they have nothing in common. I deliberately selected the headline as it is in celebration of the mood of the moment.

I pieced this article together as a social commentator and in the interest of the corprality of our state.

This is because there has been avalanches of hullabaloos following the designation of Senator George Akume as the Minister of Special Duty and Intergovernmental Affairs.

To some Benue people, it was a deliberate degrading of the two times Governor of Benue State. Those who are in this school of thought rightly or wrongly believed that because of Akume’s tall political credentials and considering his proximity to the power that be especially the “cabals”, he ought to have been given a more juicy office.

But there are other Benue people who were and are still celebrating Akume’s posting in mockery. To this category of people, the much talked about Akume’s ministerial appointment was just a mere ” glorified errand position” aimed at self preservation.

There is also a non partisan but patroitic concern from some people ( both foes and friends). To this group of people, Benue State in particular and North Central in general have been shortchanged by President Mohammed Buhari. They may be right. But they may also be wrong.

Again there appears to be a general misconception about the Ministry of Special Duty. To some, it is an invisible Ministry. Others too are of the opinions that the ministry is of the lower caste.

But the truth is that, this ministry which is quartered at the presidential Villa has been in existence right from Obasanho days as the President of the FRN.

Dr Grace Ogwuche (Mrs) was at the inception of her Ministerial responsibilities saddled with the administration of that ministry.

President Buhari merely resurrected it this time around from it’s state of obscurity and redundancy.

The Federal Ministry of Special Duties and Inter-Governmental Affairs according to it’s website is a tool for grass root development.

What that means is that the ministry is charged amongst other things with the responsibility of rural development. And who told you that Benue State can not profit from this position?

The Ministry as it is known today was recreated by the government of President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan in February 2013, to be responsible for effecting very special assignments as deemed necessary by the President.

The Ministry is charged with several responsibilities among which are monitoring and authorising all payments on constituency projects; evaluating the implementation of federal executive council policies and projects by other ministries, departments and agencies and report back to the president in council; and conducting, co-ordinating, and promoting good and harmonious relationships among the three tiers/arms of government and relevant international bodies.

In line with its mandate, the Ministry carried out the following activities successfully since its recreation in 2013:

Identified 2,399 constituency/intervention projects across Nigeria for implementation as appropriated in the 2013 Budget.
Monitored constituency/intervention projects in 25 states of Nigeria which motivated the contractors to be mobilised at sites thereby resulting in most of the projects being successfully completed.

In September 2013, successfully organised a one-day Stakeholders’ Forum where all the grey areas on issues pertaining to the Implementation of Constituency Projects were discussed. The Forum had in attendance members of the National Assembly, all implementing ministries, departments and agencies and other stakeholders.
In December 2013, the Ministry in collaboration with UNDP hosted the Forum of Key Functionaries of Local Governments in Nigeria, where issues bordering on improving local government administration in Nigeria were discussed.

The Ministry it was documented in it’s official website also hosted the Commonwealth Local Government Forum Board Meeting in June 2014.

Accordiing to the website, “The Ministry participated in the 7th conference of the Commonwealth Local Government Forum (2013) in Uganda as well as re-establishment of relationship with donor agencies including successful negotiation and signing of an agreement in May 2013 with the UNDP on partnership for ‘Strengthening Nigeria’s Local Governance and Local Development Programme’ from 2013-2017.”

The special Duty and Intergovernmental Affairs Ministry also has as parts of it’s mandate “Effective co-ordination/oversight of parastatals under the Ministry;”.

To serve as a platform for the effective and efficient delivery of the gains of transformation agenda through the implementation of constituency projects, performance of special duties as assigned by the President and conducting Inter-Governmental Affairs.

To serve as strategic tool for grassroots development, effective implementation and monitoring of government policies and programmes for National Development, (

Sprouting from the mission and vision of the ministry, it is obvious that the ministry is a supervory ministry to other ministries and MDAs.

With the renew energy and determination by the President to truly functionalise local government council and administration in the country, Akume’s appointment may be the needed tonic to actualize that quest. We should not forget that PMB did promised financial authonomy for local government.

All that is required is for the former Senator to calm down, get people who will assist him and put in his best. And he can do it. And to do this, AKUME should eschew bitterness of the past and relate with all spectrum of the Benue society.

On the other hand, instead of embarking on celebration galore that Senator AKUME was given a less juicy ministry, we should support him with our prayers and advice that will enable him to succeed.

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