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Over 90,000 university workers captured under IPPIS – Director, Olusegun



Over 90,000 university workers have been captured under Integrated Personnel and Payroll System (IPPS).

Director IPPIS in the Office of the Accountant General of the Federation Mr. Olufehinti Olusegun told newsmen that the process of capturing university staff (lecturers included) is ongoing.

According to him: “There is a process which is still ongoing when, we finish capturing, there are processes we must follow; do data cleansing, from data cleansing to pay rolling.”

After pay rolling, the IPPIS team, he said, will review the wild data collected to determine if there is anybody who is not supposed to be on the payroll.

“We don’t publish wild data from the field to prepare the payroll it has to be reviewed to be sure it meets certain criteria,” he said.

With regards to what will happen to university staff not captured under IPPIS, Olusegun said he had no idea what fate awaits them.

He said: “We will cross the bridge when we get there. I don’t know their fate, I only know the people that are on the platform.

“I can only speak for people that have been captured it is beyond me to know if they will be paid their December salary the government will do what it has to do when the time comes.”

He however assured that government is “not at war with ASSU, the consultation is ongoing we will keep on letting them realise the importance of coming on board. It is for their good. Many of them seem to have realized that the federal government is their paymaster.”

The Integrated Personnel and Payroll System (IPPS) is a computerised Human Resource Management Information System that is being implemented in Ministries, Departments, Agencies and Local Governments (MDAs & LGs) to perform various human resource functions.

IPPIS Secretariat is responsible for payment of salaries and wages directly to Government employee’s bank account with appropriate deductions and remittances of third party payments such as; Federal Inland Revenue Service; State Boards of Internal Revenue; National Health Insurance Scheme; National Housing Fund; Pension Fund Administrator; Cooperative Societies; Trade Unions Dues; Association Dues and Bank Loans.

The benefits of IPPIS include: a centralized payment of salaries and allowances; ensuring convenience and prompt payment of remuneration; and aiding manpower planning and budgeting as well as ascertaining the actual emolument of Federal Government personnel at anytime in point.

However, university lecturers have kicked against being captured under the centralised payroll platform.

(Credit: The Nation)

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