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Senator Abbo Elisha to be expelled from APC 11 months after joining party



Senator Elisha Abbo, discredited for assaulting a nursing mother in an Abuja sex toy shop, is set to be expelled from the All Progressives Congress (APC), SaharaReporters reports.

Abbo, a senator representing Adamawa North in the Nigerian Senate, had left the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), last November, after a prolonged battle of supremacy with Adamawa state governor, Ahmadu Fintiri.

The young, delinquent senator was quoted in the mass media as describing Governor Fintiri as “a small man in a big office”. Shortly thereafter, he left the PDP to the ruling APC.

However, his defection was greeted with wide condemnation considering how he had initially described the APC as “a group of crooks”.

As things stand, Abbo is said to be fighting multiple battles with almost all senior stakeholders of the party at the state and national levels.

Disclosing Abbo’s current ordeal, a chieftain in the party and former national vice chairman, Mustapha Salisu, said Abbo was on his way out.

He said, “This man (Abbo) is a disappointment to many Nigerian youths.

“He is not fit for a revered institution like the APC or the Nigerian Senate.

“The other time, he was calling Governor Fintiri all sorts of names, vulgarly saying the governor was a small man in a big office.

“For God’s sake, between Fintiri and Abbo, who is a small man in a big office? Fintiri, a two-time member, Speaker, acting governor and now elected governor, yet the juvenile senator could insult him as such.”

Mustapha further disclosed that since Abbo joined the APC, the party, particularly at the state level, has been plagued with a series of crises.

“The other time he was using uncouth language against the immediate past governor of the state, Senator Jibrilla Bindow.

“Our party would not condone this type of thuggery from him.

“Take it from me, the APC has no room for the type of Abbo. Very soon he’ll have to float his own political party or make do with any of the available smaller parties,” he said.