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Singapore faith leader jailed for defrauding followers



A Singaporean faith leader was sentenced to 10 years in prison on Wednesday for swindling millions of dollars from her followers and using violent punishments to discipline those who disobeyed her, according to local media reports.

Woo May Hoe received a 10-and-a-half-year prison sentence, as reported by Channel NewsAsia, marking a rare case of cult-like crime in the affluent financial hub.

Court documents revealed that Woo convinced approximately 30 followers that she was a deity, defrauding them of more than $10 million over several years. She claimed the payments were necessary to eliminate their “bad karma.”

Followers were told the money was being sent to a spiritual figure in India named Sri Sakthi Narayani Amma or used to finance the construction of new temples, according to the court documents.

Those who disobeyed Woo were subjected to severe punishments, including caning, being forced to eat feces, or having their teeth pulled out with pliers.

Health officials determined that Woo had paranoid schizophrenia at the time of her offences, but she was aware of the illegality of her actions, reported CNA.

“The accused’s actions have completely shattered the lives of her followers, leaving them in dire financial circumstances and causing permanent physical disability to some,” prosecutors stated in their sentencing submissions to the court.

In 2020, Singapore police arrested 21 local members of South Korea’s Shincheonji Church of Jesus for being part of an unlawful society. Under Singapore law, membership in an unlawful society can result in up to three years in prison and fines up to $3,700.

Source: AFP