The BBNaija housemates have taken turns to predict the arrangement of the final six contestants left on the show. With 24 housemates on the show...
Big Brother Naija housemate, Angel, has said WhiteMoney is not happy to see them back in the house. She told Pere after they returned from the...
Biggie has returned Pere and Angel to the Big Brother Naija house. The duo of Angel and Pere was asked to leave the house on Sunday...
Big Brother Naija Season 6 housemate, Cross has revealed why it’s better Angel got evicted from the show, WWW.IDOMAVOICE.COM reports. Cross, while having a conversation with...
Big Brother Naija season 6 housemate, Angel, has revealed that Saga was happy over his eviction from the house. Angel told Pere in the White room...
Following the eviction of two Big Brother, BBNaija, 2021 housemates on Sunday, details of how viewers voted have emerged. Saga, Queen, Nini were evicted during the...
Biggie has announced a new twist into the game. This is just as he has set a game of survival between two housemates, Angel and Pere...
Angel has been sent packing from the ongoing Big Brother Naija reality show. She is the fourth housemate to be evicted from the reality show. With...
Big Brother Naija Shine Ya Eye housemate, Angel, has stated that she would prefer to marry a man with his own kids because she’s not mentally...