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Thousands protest against British parliament suspension



Thousands took to the streets across the UK on Saturday to demonstrate against prime minister Boris johnson’s decision to suspend parliament in the run-up to Brexit.

The protests took place in cities like manchester, leeds, york and belfast.

In london, whitehall was brought to a standstill, with demonstrators chanting “boris johnson, shame on you”.

A small group of counter-protesters, marching in support of the prime minister, also arrived in westminster.

Mr johnson’s plan to prorogue parliament prompted an angry backlash from mps and opponents of a no-deal brexit when he announced it on wednesday.

When parliament is suspended, no debates and votes are held. This is different to “dissolving” parliament – where all mps give up their seats to campaign in a general election.

If this prorogation happens as expected, it will see parliament closed for 23 working days.

Critics view the length and timing of the prorogation – coming just weeks before the brexit deadline on 31 october – as controversial

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