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Why Edo won’t be ‘a pawn in anybody’s political chess game’ – Gov. Obaseki



Edo State Governor, Godwin Obaseki, on Friday condemned the crisis rocking the State House of Assembly.

Speaking when he received in audience members of the Benin community in Abuja at Governor’s Lodge in the nation’s capital, the governor alleged that a group of people were fuelling the crisis for their selfish interest.

He, however, vowed to resist any attempt by anyone or group to obstruct the peace being enjoyed in the state.

“Is it not ironic that in a state where we have one party ruling, and that has all the 24 seats in the House of Assembly, we have this kind of a crisis?” asked Governor Obaseki who described the situation as “thoroughly embarrassing”.

He continued “At the centre, we have our own person who is supposed to superintend this. So, if your children are fighting and you cannot come and settle them, then what authority do you have to even be a father?

“I will not allow Edo State to be a pawn in anybody’s political chess game.”

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The governor explained why those he called political godfathers were after him, saying they were against his positive transformation of the state.

He said he knew from the onset when he started executing projects that some individuals were not comfortable with what he was doing for the good of the state.

Governor Obaseki added that his refusal to share the money meant for the state formed his offence and vowed to resist them.

He said, “For me I keep asking the question what have I done wrong? What is my offence that they want to now get people to come and create confusion in the state?

“The only thing they have said is that I refused to share money; I am not taking care of the people who brought me into office.”

“I said 300,000 Edo people voted for me to be governor; if I do for the people, everybody will benefit,” the governor stated.