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10 things you need to know about Maryam Shetty



  • Maryam Shetty is a well-known political and social activist from Kano, Nigeria, with a royal family background.

  • She pursued her passion for physiotherapy and graduated with distinction from the Federal School of Physiotherapy in Bayero University, Kano.

  • Maryam’s remarkable skills as a physiotherapist led her to work with top-tier athletes, including the legendary Usain Bolt, and she also served on the medical team at the London Olympics.

  • She furthered her education by obtaining a Master’s Degree in sports physiotherapy from the University of East London, Stratford.

  • Maryam is not only dedicated to her medical career but also a social entrepreneur and women’s advocate, working to empower women and expand their participation in society.

  • Her contributions to community development and philanthropy are evident through her involvement in initiatives like the #GivingBack platform, which focuses on rehabilitating schools in Kano.

  • Her exceptional leadership and dedication to community development earned her an Honorary Degree from the ESGT University of Technology, Benin Republic.

  • Maryam Shetty pursued studies in Kingian Non-Violence, inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and became a certified practitioner after completing a program at Emory University in the United States.

  • She also holds a certificate in Public Policy Challenges of the 21st Century from the University of Virginia.

  • With extensive experience in both clinical and international development sectors, Maryam Shetty is recognized for her dedication to making a positive impact on society through projects like UKAid funded programme – PATHS 2, State House Clinic at the Presidential Villa, and the Child Care and Wellness.