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2019: Abba Morro urges supporters, opponents to shun ‘Politics of bitterness’



As the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, lifted the ban on open campaign ahead of the 2019 general elections on Sunday, November 18th, 2018.

The door is now open for political parties and supporters to promote their candidates to the electorate for elective positions.

It is on this premise that the Abba Moro Campaign Organisation is reiterating its earlier call on her supporters worldwide to shun violence, bitterness and campaign of calumny before, during and after the elections.

The ambition of Comrade Abba Moro will not be pursued with the shedding of the blood of anyone.

The man Abba Moro stands for peace and development of Benue South, therefore, we call on our teeming supporters, both at home and in the diaspora, to eschew violence, hate speeches and libelous statements or comments that could heat up the polity in the build-up to the exercise.

We urge our supporters to engage in constructive discussions without throwing caution to the wind.

In this contest, we have promised to place the interest of our land above personal ego or aspirations; and thus, the use of offensive words, threats or attacks on persons is unwelcome.

It is a brotherly contest and at the end of the day, the Benue South is above the interest of any political player.

To our brethren on the other side, we don’t see them as enemies, but rather as people who view leadership from a different perspective and are pursuing such from different platforms.

We regard this as a contest between brothers for the right person to advance the interest of the Benue South Senatorial District.

We should bear at the back of our minds that the Alekwu K’Idoma and the founding fathers of the land are watching keenly and posterity will judge our actions and inactions appropriately.

Benue South land is ours to plough and not to plunder.

Therefore, we encourage our dear electorates to perform their civic duty without fear or intimidation because this time there is a reward awaiting their faith in democratic process.

Abba Moro’s antecedents as former Minister of Interior and Local Government Chairman are there for people to see. He has worked with the grassroots. He knows the problem. He has the know-how of solving the problem. Here at last is the round peg in the round hole.

A vote for Abba Moro is a vote for a BETTER TOMORROW. If he wins, we all win.

We are humbled by the overwhelming support we have been getting from our people both home and abroad, it is a clear indication that our victory is certain in 2019.

No doubt, this period, many fake stories would be concocted, especially on the New Media. We call on our people to always seek our side of the story before swallowing them hook, line and sinker.

Our doors are open for suggestions, contributions and ideas. And as it is said, a tree cannot make a forest. Together, we shall win.

Our campaign is hinged on the guiding mantra: #BETTER2MORO, and that is what we promise to deliver to our people who have already vowed to stand by us.

Indeed, the journey to a #Better2Moro has begun, now, let the campaign begin.

Ameh Comrade Godwin
Director, Media and Publicity