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Ada Chenge dumps APC for PDP, declares support for Ortom, other PDP candidates



The Director of Entertainment and Logistics in Jime/Ode Campaign Organization in Benue State, Mrs Ada Chenge has dumped the All Progressives Congress, APC for the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP.

Dr Ada Chenge said her decision to dump APC was based on her conviction that the party lacks what it takes to provide good governance for the people, just as it does not have the capacity for internal organisation and democratic principles.

The former governorship aspirant expressed confidence in the ability of Governor Samuel Ortom to continue to offer selfless service to the people.

She said PDP is the best choice for Benue and the entire country, urging the people of the State to troop out in large numbers on Saturday to vote for Alhaji Atiku Abubakar and all PDP National Assembly candidates for this year’s elections.

He similarly urged the people to re-elect Governor Samuel Ortom on March 9 as well as all Benue State House of Assembly candidates of PDP.