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Boko Haram collecting taxes in Borno – Bishop Matthew



Mathew Ndago-Manoso, Catholic archbishop of Kaduna diocese, says the Boko Haram sect is controlling parts of Borno state.

Speaking at the annual general meeting (AGM) of the Nigeria Catholic Diocese Priests’ Association which held in Kaduna on Tuesday, Ndago-Manoso said the insurgents provide services to the part of the sate under their control and have been collecting taxes from the people.

He said there is a possibility of government not being aware of the development.

“Insecurity starts from where there is absence of government. The absence of government in certain parts of the country has brought us to where we are today,” he said.

“Our problem has always been the management of resources of the land. Something is happening right now whether the government knows or not. The splinter group of the Boko Haram is providing services to some communities in Borno. They are collecting taxes because of the absence of government. This is dangerous.”

But Sagir Musa, army spokesman, denied the allegation of the bishop.

“There is so far no place where Boko Haram terrorists are occupying, talk less of collecting taxes in Borno state and the entire north-east zone,” he told TheCable on Wednesday morning.

President Muhammadu Buhari and the military authorities have consistently said no part of the country is being controlled by Boko Haram.

Ndago-Manoso also said there is hardship in the land, adding that many people can no long take care of their responsibilities.

He said Nigeria has no business overtaking India as the “world capital of poverty”, narrating how people have been trooping to his office to beg for money to feed.

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