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Eid al-Fitr: Senator Abba Moro felicitates with Muslims on Sallah celebration



The Senator representing the good people of Benue South Senatorial District, Comrade Abba Moro, extends his warm greetings to the Muslim Ummah in his constituency and Nigeria at large, on the celebration of this year’s Eid al-Fitr.


Senator Moro urges Muslims to use the occasion, which is the festival of breaking the fast, to pray for peace, security, stability and victory of our nation over the scourge of COVID-19, enjoining them to remain steadfast and committed to the cause of one, united Nigeria.


The Comrade-Senator Moro enjoins Muslims to also use the occasion to reach out to the less-privileged.


He calls on Muslim brothers and sisters to always be guided by the attributes and lessons from the life and times of Holy Prophet Mohammed (SAW), which symbolize holiness, peace, love and tolerance.


The Senator urges religious leaders in the country to continue to preach peace and unity to their followers and display love towards one another.


Ameh Comrade Godwin,

SA (P & E) to the Senator,
