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Nigerians on twitter react as Yusuf Buhari appear on forbes list



Nigerians have taken to Twitter to “crucify” those who believed the alleged appearance of Yusuf Buhari on forbes list news and have been sharing it, various social media platforms.

See reactions

– According to Festus Keyamo, SAN: “This is the kind of shenanigan in which the minions of the Opposition will engage for the next 4 yrs instead of getting serious about opposition, after which when they’re defeated again in 2023, they will come and say they kept one result in a server or this time, a refrigerator!” He said.

According to Babs Daramola
@DaramolaBabs: ‘I’ve always said ppl who have no sense shld sometimes pretend they have. All it takes any sensible person is about 2 mb data 2 verify frm Forbes site. Dere is no where on Forbes website dt Yusuf Buhari is mentioned. I don’t knw why some people wasted money going 2 school sef.” He said.

According to Abdullahi Sarafa
@Abdullahisaraf: “Are we not doomed as a country to think that some youth believed the Yusuf Buhari BS. Are we using our brains in this country at all. Just Google this thing and that’s all. SMH. @IsuphJt

According to Uncle Wilson™
@iam_wilsons: “Only people who believed the nonsensical India 99 – 0 Nigeria story, would buy into this utter balderdash news on Yusuf Buhari. I’m disappointed in many of you here. Tragic”

According to @Al_Dorado: “That Yusuf Buhari Forbes news is the biggest bullshit I have read on twitter for a while. How dumb can one get to believe such?” Hr said.” He said.


If you believe the Forbes ‘Yusuf Buhari’ story then your credentials should be questioned!

coolest guy@coolestguy2891

Yusuf Buhari don’t have such this is the work of enemy of democracy, we are too quick jumping into conclusion.