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Opinion: Dear Abba Morro supporters; Beware of Sanballat and Tobiah of Benue politics



By: Clay Toos

As the clock ticks and we approach the November 18th date for the commencement of campaigns, there are things we need to put in proper perspective for the records.
Rumour mongers are all over town spreading all sorts of rumours.
Not that we are unaware of their mischiefs, but like Nehemiah, we are not moved by their antics. The task of building our desolate cities and uplifting the status of our people is something that deserves maximum concentration.

Let me inform you here that David Mark is not interested in taking the Senate ticket from Abba Moro as being speculated. Over and over again, Mark has endorsed the candidature of Comrade Abba Moro and has never told anyone anything to the contrary.
David Mark was never interested in the February 2016 rerun election but for some patriotic citizens who persuaded him to hold the fort in the interest of the Idoma Nation. Today, those citizens have been vindicated as the same people who saw Onjeh as the best thing that ever happened in Idoma Land since the advent of Okoho Soup no longer consider him fit to be a senatorial candidate of their party. The mudslinging currently going on in the Benue South APC is a topic for another day and will go down as the “Amaka why???” of the 2019 election.
David Mark has given his all and we are better for it. He has earned his respect and we are forever grateful.

Joseph Ojobo’s senatorial aspiration was definitely “a divine project” as his supporters would want us to believe.
But for Hon. Ojobo, Abba Moro would not have been the candidate of the PDP today.

I was privileged to be aware of most of the political undercurrents that took place during the preparations for the primaries.
There were some clandestine move and elite conspiracy to hand the ticket to Mike Okibe Onoja. Some of the reasons given for this ranges from the mundane to the ridiculous.
Some believed Abba Moro was arrogant. These were the people who chose arrogance as the nearest word in meaning to self confidence in their WAEC O’level exams. For if you have ever stayed around Comrade Moro, you won’t find an iota of arrogance around him. He’s a man that exudes infectious confidence.

The other camp were those who felt that Abba undermined them by not allocating job slots to them for their children when he was a Federal Minister. These are the people who never wanted the good of the ordinary man.
As a Minister, Abba gave jobs to the garri seller in Ugbokolo, opened his doors to the Palm wine tapper from Otukpa, dined with the local farmer from Agatu and flowed with the okada rider from the streets of Idoma Land. These young men and women who have hustled all their lives found in Abba a buddie who knows the pain behind the smile.
For all of these, Abba was supposed to be taught a bitter lesson, it was tagged “payback time”.

It was at these point that Hon Joseph Ojobo appeared on the scene.
Hon Ojobo represented the interest of the “Sanballat and Tobiah” of Benue politics. Those who felt that as a people, we the Idomas are too strong and too progressive for their likings. We are a minority among the minorities, but our exploits is known in all the land, so they believe we deserve a weak leader who will be answerable to them.
For sixteen years, anything that went wrong in Benue was blamed on David Mark. He has been out of the limelight for almost four years and his traducers have not been able to make a difference.

Sanballat and Tobiah were the people in government in 2010 but couldn’t build a single block of classroom in Ogene-Amejo that led Ochanya to Ugbokolo in search of primary education where she met her untimely death.
They are the car dealers who wish that our highways remain in perpetual state of disrepair so that our commercial drivers can come for new cars every other year.
Sanballat and Tobiah are the big time Hotel owners and shareholders who believes that our beautiful ladies are best suited for their brothels and our able men as their errand boys. They are threatened by what Abba Moro brings to the table and his plans to rebuild our “broken walls” and their solution is to import yahoo boy politics into our system.

They monetised the primaries, bought the delegates who were ready to be bought, divided their own votes while Abba Moro and his supporters held their peace. It was indeed the Lord’s doing and a great sight to behold. It was all working for our good.

The Hon Ojobo divine project which had a timeline has ended, but it seems Obochis (sorcerers) and fake prophets have taken over from where God stopped. The steps being taken now will surely end in regrets as God is not in it.

The delegates list that was used for the senatorial primaries was also used for the House of Assembly and House of Representatives primaries.
Hon. Hassan Saleh, a veteran when it comes to winning elections from the courtroom participated in that primaries but didn’t see anything wrong with the delegates list. He lost, and for the first time, conceded defeat, congratulated the winner and moved on with his life.

Blessing Onuh, the beloved daughter of Senator David Mark participated in the primaries with the same delegates list, she lost and quietly moved on to nurse her wounds. The House of Assembly seats of Ohimi, Okpokwu, Otukpo/Akpa and Adoka/Ugboju State Constituencies were all decided using that delegates list, but what concerns Hon Ojobo and his team of sycophants is the governorship primaries of which he was not a candidate.
The Abba Moro legal team and the PDP team will meet them in court as whatever I say now would be termed subjudice.

Let the #BETTER2MORO network know that there is no cause for alarm. They are only trying to distract and weaken our hands ahead of the commencement of campaigns, but that cannot be possible if we stay focused and united.

We have travelled this road before. When a brother of ours was pursuing an appeal we all saw he couldn’t win, we appealed to him and his supporters using our “Idoma People Of Nigeria” platform to forgo his ambition but we were called all sort of names. When the Supreme Court finally drew the curtains on that case, brothers have been separated, friendships destroyed, relationships broken, characters assassinated and careers buried. Yesterday it was two Otukpa sons. Today, it’s the turn of Ugbokolo. We can only appeal that reasons should prevail and let brotherly love continue. We are too interrelated to fight a bitter political war, but those who would rather believe the chief priest of a shrine than a returning officer of a Party primaries have been deafened by the gods. They will always see us as enemies until final judgement is passed.

Many years ago, a man planted a gun in Abba Moro’s car to implicate and destroy his political career. The story need not be repeated here. Today, we all know how he’s doing. While he forgot the past and moved on with his life as if there was no yesterday, he also forgot that Alekwu is a bitch.
Abba Moro is a tree planted by the rivers of waters, he bears fruits in and out of season. Wherever you drop his seed, mistakenly or deliberately, he spreads like the harmattan blaze.

Abba Moro has no stain or criminal conviction anywhere in the world. So when they come and tell you that Abba will be disqualified, tell them that not even the President is vested with such powers by our laws.

The Senator representing Benue South senatorial district is more than a Senator. He is the Prime Minister of the Idoma Nation.
No man is perfect, but comrade Abba Moro has gotten the character, the credibility, the connections and the leadership qualities to slip into these roles with ease.
We must never allow our hearts to grow weary until we deliver him through the ballots come 2019.
God Bless Us All.